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Leonard Hatred 5:57 Fri Feb 9
Schindler's List
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Mickey Rat 3:50 Sun Feb 11
Re: Schindler's List
I used to visit Krakow pretty much every month for work a few years ago and loved it, the Schindler museum is excellent as Oragne Hammer said
Loads of history, great bars and restaurants at reasonable prices and women are gorgeous, enjoy!

chim chim cha boo 2:48 Sun Feb 11
Re: Schindler's List
Russ, I have seen The Zone Of Interest twice and it really does deserve two watches as some of it is so subtle it goes over your head when you first watch it.

It's hard to get your head around the decent father bringing his kids up and reading them bedtime stories and swimming in the river with them who is also capable of telling his guards to drown a Jew in the river for finding an apple and selecting a Jewish girl to rape then blithely washing his cock in the sink before going home.

There's a scene where you see.a Jewish slave worker spreading the ashes of human beings over Hosse's garden, a garden that his wife (who is just as cruel) is really proud to show off to her mum.

The camera stops on various flowers ( the whole film is shot super sharp with almost no camera panning) then suddenly the screen goes red for a few seconds, almost like the film has given up trying to tell the story as the evil goes so deep.

It's one of those rare films that live with you and you find yourself thinking about days after you have seen it.

Johnathan Glazier has only made 4 films and 3 of them are in my all-time top 10.

RootsRadical 1:03 Sun Feb 11
Re: Schindler's List
La Vita e Bella - Life Is Beautiful

You will cry!

Hammer and Pickle 9:33 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Sorry, here’s a more modest link


Dwight Van Mann 9:19 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Fucking hell, that link is nearly as long as your neck

nychammer 9:14 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
haven't been to Poland in years. I would be interested in the museum - did go to Auschwitz when i was there nearly 20 yrs back, which you can do as a day Trip by train from Krakow. I would recommend that too obviously.

Hammer and Pickle 9:11 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List

I’ve never been to the museum but I’ve heard it’s excellent - the Poles are good at that sort of thing. If you are in Krakow though, don’t fail to enjoy yourself. Hang out in Karzimierz, which is full of nice cafes and bars and don’t fail to go to Adam Gessler’s restaurant for a jolly good eat. Not cheap, but well worth it you will find

chim chim cha boo 8:10 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Russ, I have seen The Zone Of Interest twice and it really does deserve two watches as some of it is so subtle it goes over your head when you first watch it.

It's hard to get your head around the decent father bringing his kids up and reading them bedtime stories and swimming in the river with them who is also capable of telling his guards to drown a Jew in the river for finding an apple and selecting a Jewish girl to rape then blithely washing his cock in the sink before going home.

There's a scene where you see.a Jewish slave worker spreading the ashes of human beings over Hosse's garden, a garden that his wife (who is just as cruel) is really proud to show off to her mum.

The camera stops on various flowers ( the whole film is shot super sharp with almost no camera panning) then suddenly the screen goes red for a few seconds, almost like the film has given up trying to tell the story as the evil goes so deep.

It's one of those rare films that live with you and you find yourself thinking about days after you have seen it.

Johnathan Glazier has only made 4 films and 3 of them are in my all-time top 10.

Bungo 8:04 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Orange Hammer 7:46 Sat Feb 10

Thank you. I will take that as a recommendation.😁

Orange Hammer 7:46 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Bungo. Probably the best museum I have ever been to. Do the headphone thing. Not just about Schindler, but how the whole war developed in Poland.

Bungo 2:13 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Going to be in Krakow in a couple of weeks.

Thought about going to Schindler's factory unless it is actually a bit mundane (which I suspect it might be).

Anyone who has experienced this have an opinion?

The Fonz 9:48 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Incredibly powerful and moving movie.

I haven't seen a zone of interest yet but one film that was released recently on the Holocaus topic which I recommend is One Life with Anthony Hopkins.

yngwies Cat 7:08 Sat Feb 10
Re: Schindler's List
Shot with the little girl in red coat, done in colour..That is fuckin powerful. :-(

Manuel 7:07 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
Northern Sold 1:55 Fri Feb 9

''watched it with Mrs NS''

Mrs NS? Haha!!

Come On You Irons 6:44 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
An absolutely brilliant and moving film and very relevant today given the threat Jews face from anti-Semitic Islamist scum and filth.

Neeson, Fiennes and Kingsley are all superb in it.

, 5:32 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
Well worth reading Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally.

BRANDED 5:22 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
About 30 million died in the Eastern campaign during WW2. Total industrial carnage. No morality. Just science and hatred.

Far Cough 4:35 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
What I took from it was, even amongst Germans at that time there were some who absolutely hated what their country was becoming and amongst those there were a very few who were "Righteous Among Nations" Schindler and his wife included.

Did I read right that some people physically attacked Ralph Fiennes who portrayed Amon Goeth the camp commandant?

Fucking idiots.

Russ of the BML 4:20 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
Superb film. A must watch for anyone.

Although I still rate 'The Pianist' as the best holocaust movie.

Anyone see 'Zone of Interest' yet?

Northern Sold 1:55 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
watched it with Mrs NS at a packed cinema.... at the end no one moved... even when the lights came on... all very surreal.

The scene of the girl in the red dress is up there with anything in cinematic history... spielberg is a genius. Oh apparently he told the young girl to make him a promise and not watch the film until she was 18... she broke the promise and watched it when she was 11... which left her traumatised.

The girl now...


Lee Trundle 1:29 Fri Feb 9
Re: Schindler's List
ray winstone 12:49 Fri Feb 9

Not sure the joke needed explaining (considering its a well known Gervais joke), but thanks.

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